Respect at Work Overview
4월 29일 (목)
|Zoom and Facebook Live
Join Community Education Supervisor Jessica Carson and Volunteer/Community Outreach & Special Projects Supervisor Lauren Uhl as they provide an overview of Respect at Work™ a workplace harassment training.

시간 및 장소
2021년 4월 29일 오후 2:00 – 오후 2:30
Zoom and Facebook Live
이벤트 소개
Sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious and widespread problem. The good news is that prevention is possible. Join Community Education Supervisor Jessica Carson and Volunteer/Community Outreach & Special Projects Supervisor Lauren Uhl as they provide an overview of Respect at Work™ a workplace harassment training. This training differs from traditional, liability-based workplace training models. Respect at Work™ is holistic, comprehensive, collaborative, customized, and bystander-focused. We hope to see you there!