Mandated Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse Training
12월 01일 (금)
|A virtual event
Know your role in the protection of children. This is a state-approved training course that fulfills the requirements in accordance with Act 51 of 2014, Department of Human Services, and Act 126 of the Pennsylvania Public School Code, Department of Education.

시간 및 장소
2023년 12월 01일 오전 10:00 – 오후 12:00
A virtual event
이벤트 소개
The training goal is to increase the likelihood of mandated reporters reporting suspected incidents of child abuse to child protective services.
The goal will be achieved through the following objectives:
· Increase knowledge of indicators of abuse or neglect of a child
· Increase the confidence of mandated reporters in identifying signs of abuse or neglect of a child.
· Increase the understanding of the dynamics of child abuse.
· Increase the probability of reporting suspected child abuse.
· Increase knowledge of who is classified as a mandated reporter and what those responsibilities are under the Child Protective Services Law.
· Increase knowledge of procedures for reporting child abuse to child protective services.
· Increase sense of obligation/responsibility to report suspected child abuse to child protective services.
Certification of completion or CEUs are available with payment of the registration fee.
Questions? Please contact Jessica Carson by email at
Mandated Reporter Training
US$25.00할인 종료