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Welcome to Victim Services Center of Montgomery County


A message for the Asian community in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania 

我们与您站在一起。 我们对最近在我们社区发生的针对亚洲和太平洋岛民的暴力事件义愤填膺。 这样的行径无比错误,必须停止。 仇恨在我们的社会中毫无立足之地。 针对亚太裔的暴力事件日益增长,我们将向您提供应对该影响的支持。 我们鼓励您与我们联系,以便我们能够为您提供可能需要的任何帮助。

We stand with you. We are outraged by recent violence against Asian and Pacific Island people in our community. It is wrong and it needs to stop. Hate has no place in our society. Our support is available to you as you cope with the impact of increased violence against Asian and Pacific Island people. We encourage you to contact us so that we can provide you with any help you may need. 


我们知道,针对亚裔的暴力行径包括针对个人、老人的身体暴力,以及种族主义言论和种族恐吓。 如若您因为针对您或您所在社区的暴力而感到焦虑、抑郁或恐惧,我们将在这里帮助您。

We are aware that violence toward Asian people has included physical violence against individuals, elderly people, and racist words and ethnic intimidation. If you are experiencing anxiety, depression, or fear because of violence against you or your community, we are here to help you. 



How we can help


We have a 24-hour crisis hotline that you can call to receive immediate support.  


We can accompany you to in-person police interviews and court hearings.


We can link you to individual counseling and support groups.

We can provide you with resources in Montgomery County, PA. 




We can provide you with information about Pennsylvania’s Crime Victim Compensation Assistance Program. 


Who we are

我们是一家501(c)3的非营利组织,为宾夕法尼亚州蒙哥马利县的所有犯罪受害者服务。 我们的使命是为所有受犯罪影响的人提供宣传和咨询,并通过教育促进社区的敏感性和认知。 我们的服务是免费提供给受害者和他们的挚爱之人。

We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit serving all victims of crime in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Our mission is to provide advocacy and counseling for all who have been affected by crime and to promote sensitivity and awareness in the community through education. Our services are provided at no cost to victims and their loved ones. 


If you wish to learn more, please call our free, confidential 24/7 hotline at 888.521.0983.


How to reach us 


联系我们的最佳方式是拨打888.521.0983,与经过专门培训的咨询师交谈。 提供口译服务。

The best way to reach us is to call 888.521.0983 to speak with a specially trained counselor. Interpreter services are available. 


If you prefer to ask for help online, please complete the form below and we will respond as soon as we can.

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핫라인: 888-521-0983

사무실: 610-277-0932

팩스: 610-277-6386


325 Swede St., 2nd Floor 

Norristown, PA 19401

저희의 미션은 성폭력과 기타 범죄의 피해를 입은 모든 사람들에게 옹호 및 상담 서비스를 제공하고 교육을 통해 공동체에서 그러한 범죄의 예방을 촉진하는 것입니다. 1974년에 Women Against Rape이라는 단체명으로 설립되었으며, 40년 넘게 생존자들과 그들의 가족을 지원해 왔습니다. Victim Services of Montgomery County, Inc.는 501(c)(3) 비영리 단체입니다. 1-888-521-0983번으로 무료 24시간 핫라인에 연락하세요.


PA Montgomery 카운티의 피해자 서비스 센터에는 24시간 핫라인 번호가 있습니다: 1-888-521-0983. 저희 핫라인에 전화 시 통역사가 필요하신 경우, 본인의 주언어/모국어를 알려주시고 직원과 통역사가 연결될 때까지 기다린 후 추가 도움을 받으세요. 감사합니다.

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