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Advocate III

Full time – 40 hours/week


The Advocate III, who reports to the Supervisor of Direct Services, is responsible for providing information, outreach, accompaniment, and support services to child and adult victims of sexual assault and other serious crimes.  Additionally, the Advocate III is responsible for other information-gathering activities necessary to facilitate early intervention/outreach to crime victims and their families. This position will require both in-person and remote working.


Specific Duties 


A. Accompany clients to court, hospitals, police stations, and District Justice's offices. 

B. Assist the Direct Services Supervisor with outreach to the District Justice offices, hospitals and police stations and other related systems.

C. Provide support services to clients such as filing Victim's Compensation Claim Forms, assisting with Victim Impact Statements, VINELINK registration, case status updates and providing crisis intervention when necessary.

D. Direct victim outreach about services through permission slips by police departments, hospitals, and other community referrals.

E. Maintain client records/case notes.

F. Provides court orientation services to clients.

G. Assist the Direct Services Supervisor in research projects.

H. Provide and maintain outreach to the community through networking and meetings to share information.

I.  Attend assigned relevant community meetings.

General Duties 


  1. Crisis intervention as required.

  2. On-call evening and weekend hotline rotation answering hotline calls, providing crisis intervention, and in-person hospital and police accompaniment for sexual assault victims

  3. Record keeping in accordance with ETO and other agency data collection and reporting requirements, intake monthly reports and client number assignment.

Qualifications for Position 

Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, Social Work, Counseling, Criminal Justice or related field. The  Advocate III is required to complete VSC 65+ hour Sexual Assault Counselor/Victim Advocate training. Criminal Record, Child Abuse History and FBI Clearance background checks required.  Valid driver’s license, vehicle and valid automobile insurance required.  All employees are At-Will employees.  EOE


Fluency in Spanish preferred. 


Education: Bachelor’s Degree (required)

Salary: Competitive 


After a three-month period, benefits will be available (medical including dental and vision and vacation, sick and personal leave)

To Apply 

Send a resume and cover letter to

핫라인: 888-521-0983

사무실: 610-277-0932

팩스: 610-277-6386


325 Swede St., 2nd Floor 

Norristown, PA 19401

저희의 미션은 성폭력과 기타 범죄의 피해를 입은 모든 사람들에게 옹호 및 상담 서비스를 제공하고 교육을 통해 공동체에서 그러한 범죄의 예방을 촉진하는 것입니다. 1974년에 Women Against Rape이라는 단체명으로 설립되었으며, 40년 넘게 생존자들과 그들의 가족을 지원해 왔습니다. Victim Services of Montgomery County, Inc.는 501(c)(3) 비영리 단체입니다. 1-888-521-0983번으로 무료 24시간 핫라인에 연락하세요.


PA Montgomery 카운티의 피해자 서비스 센터에는 24시간 핫라인 번호가 있습니다: 1-888-521-0983. 저희 핫라인에 전화 시 통역사가 필요하신 경우, 본인의 주언어/모국어를 알려주시고 직원과 통역사가 연결될 때까지 기다린 후 추가 도움을 받으세요. 감사합니다.

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